To visit, and stay at, The Sanctuary of Our Lord's Mercy in Krakow's Lagiewniki District, was such an honour. During our time there, we were able to spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament, join the community of the Sisters during their various communal prayers, to have Mass and even to shop for various items relating to Sr Faustina and the Divine Mercy. It was such an uplifting experience, and so enjoyable, that we have all committed to return next year!
We even met with a couple of the sisters to talk about Sr Faustina and the whole Divine Mercy devotions for over an hour - such an honour. Please, in your prayers, remember Srs Ignatius and Gaudia of the Congregation of the Sister of Our Lady's Mercy. Truly, they are servants of the Lord.
During our time in Poland, we were able to do some shopping, too. In fact, as one of our number said, we managed to change the fortunes of the Polish economy. I don't think it was money laundering, per se, but certainly I think we've been engaged in international money transference!! Totally worth the visit for the savings alone. I don't know how clerical shirts can be so expensive over in the UK? Can anyone explain?
Needless to say, I didn't manage to get online and update this blog. Rather too busy praying and shopping, and shopping and praying, to do much else. Totally exhausted now, and ready for a welcome break as I return to seminary this weekend. More will follow, I feel sure....
The attachment Poland has to their beliefs is always comforting to behold. One day I'll make it over there myself, I'm sure. I'm glad you had a great time!