I was very amused to read in the Scotsman that the Pope has been invited to visit Scotland. Of particular mirth, for me, was the comment:
A spokesman for the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland said it is too early to say what form a visit would take. But he added: "We would absolutely welcome the possibility of a visit by Pope Benedict XVI. But, of course, we appreciate there are many other countries who have never had a papal visit and would like one."
Now, I know it is not good to read into people's words what is not actually said, but reading the comment it struck me that it was only the possibility of a visit which would be welcome; the actual visit, well, we'll just have to see. As for those countries who have never had a papal visit; maybe they'd prefer one to us, certainly there is more chance the Roman Pontiff will go there first.
Come on, let's talk it up. It would be fantastic for HH Benedict to come visit and we hope and pray that he will. I'm not convinced, myself, but if there is any chance, any chance at all, then I, for one, very warmly welcome both the possibility and the actual visit. Good on you Prime Minister for extending the invitation on behalf of the country. How wonderful it will be for the Pope to make a formal state visit and have tea at the Palace.
Viva Il Papa!
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