Please pray for several of our Altar Servers who will, today, be enrolled into the Guild of St Stephen. Two will be presented with silver medals for long service! During the enrollment the priest will say:
The worship of the Church is centred on the celebration of the Mass, but also includes other services of prayer and the administration of the Sacraments.
The Ministers, who are ordained for this, are the Bishop, the Priest and the Deacon. But, from the earliest times, the Church has called other Christians to assist at these services, principally to assist the ordained ministers, but also to be at the service of the entire Christian Community. To be called to assist the Church in this manner is a privileged function and should be carried out to the best of one’s ability.
You must always try to serve in such a way as to help all present in the church to pray. Remember, always, the three promises that you are about to make:
• to serve regularly, at the times when you are asked
• to serve with care and reverence
• and, above all, to serve with understanding
A good server is the one who not only knows what to do, but also understands why it is being done.
Try to learn more about the worship of the Church, in which you are being called to participate in a privileged way.
I offer myself to God Almighty to Blessed Mary, our Mother and to our Holy Patron, St Stephen and I promise to do my best to serve regularly with reverence and understanding for the glory of God the service of his Church and my own eternal salvation.
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