29 April 2010

St Catherine of Siena

An excellent post, here, from Rocco Palmo at Whispers on the great Doctor of the Church which is St Catherine of Siena. One of my inspirations. Just recently I was able to visit her sarcophagus beneath the High Altar of the church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome. It's one of the highlights for me during any visit to the Eternal City. Along with catching a Caravaggio or two and stopping by the Gesu. Oh, yeah, and gelato too. Ah, such halcyon days!

Just this morning I have been preparing the 'saints of the week' section of our weekly newsletter. I had quite forgotten how, once the seasons of Lent and Easter are behind us, the memorials and feasts of the saints come thick and fast. What excitement awaits us!

One such excitement is il Beato Angelico who is also buried in Santa Maria sopra Minerva. Blessed Fra Angelico, as we know him, was only beatified recently by JP II in 1982. I heard once that he is the only artist to have been beatified - can this be true? I'm not a huge fan of his work: a bit early for my personal tastes. Nonetheless who can fail to be moved by his rendition of the Annunciation. A classic, surely.

Anyway, back to the great Doctors of the Church, including Pope Paul VI's wisdom is declaring those first women doctors.

St Catherine of Siena, pray for us.

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