I was heartened to read, today, of the Vocation Directors meeting in Rome last week. It is reported: In a speech to the English and Welsh Vocations Directors' Conference held at the Palazzola near Rome, Mgr Francis Bonnici, Director of the Pontifical Pastoral Ministry for Priestly Vocations, said England and Wales were among those countries that is seeing an increase in priestly vocations. Provisional statistics indicate that the number of men commencing seminary formation in September 2009 for the dioceses of England and Wales was in the forties (these statistics will be published in the Spring of 2010).
Great news which gives cheer to our hearts!
Let me also plug a Vocations Mass at Christ the King in Coventry this coming Monday at 7pm. All are very welcome. You can find out more here.
Now, if you've pressed on the 'here' link you will have been taken to the Birmingham Vocations website and it may be you didn't find details about the forthcoming Mass. Well that is okay as you have the details on this blog, but perhaps, like me, you stumbled across this wonderfully uplifting story about jubilarians to the priesthood. Between 175 priests they have clocked up almost 8,000 years of ministry! What an amazing feat. I also see that they are currently out in Rome and I hope they're having a jolly uplifting and well deserved break. It's almost impossible to count the number of people's lives they have enriched just through their priestly ministry.
Truly inspiring.
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