This evening we had the great honour, in our parish, of hosting the deanery Vocations Mass. I was particularly struck by someone who said, after the Mass, just how uplifting the experience of being present had been. It is easy, from time to time, to forget just how awesome the experience of Mass can be. The coming together of both the pilgrim Church on earth and the eternal Church of heaven. When were you last aware of that yourself?
It was, indeed, a most uplifting Mass. There were many who had been involved in the preparation of the liturgy, including a rather fetching chasuble designed, and I think made, by Cardinal Newman secondary school. Fr Paul Moss, our diocesan Vocations Director, preached very well and encouraged those present to consider a calling to the priesthood or to the consecrated religious life. All too often, I think, we forget that God uses our voices to talk. The next time you are thinking, "should I suggest priesthood to such and such" don't think about it, do it.
So, thank you to everyone present at Mass, and for those who continue to hold vocations in your prayers. May God bless you all the days of your life.
I think it is always good to remember that a religious voction isn't just about being a priest but also includes the religious and consecrated life as well. So if anyone, male or female, is thinking that they might be called by God to serve his people in the church think about religious life as well. Remember to constantly pray that God will send workers into his vineyard.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments, Brother. Quite so!