A couple of articles popped into my inbox from zenit.org of some interest. This is an 'independent' news agency that says of itself:
Our objective is to inform about the "world seen from Rome," with professionalism and faithfulness to the truth. We aim to view the modern world through the messages of the Pope and the Holy See; tell about the happenings of the Church; and inform about the topics, debates and events that are especially interesting to Christians worldwide. ZENIT carries out this service independently.
I was interested to read about a plenary indulgence granted by the Pope during the year of the priest, beginning as we all know, on 19 June. Indulgences, and the selling of them during the middle ages, are often misunderstood. I don't want to get into the detail right now - not least as it's pretty complicated and has much more depth than first appears. For an excellent summary you can do worse than go to the Catechism of the Church, available here. There is, however, a lovely line in the news report which goes: The plenary indulgence ... can also by applied to deceased priests. I love this idea. Using an indulgence for others is simply wonderful and wholesomely Christian. I pray when it is my time to purified in purgatory that there will be someone offering up indulgences for me.
Also of interest this week was a post about the liturgy from Fr Edward McNamara, available here. He is debating the heart of the liturgy itself and considers the participation in the liturgy. I love his conclusion: Therefore if some of our Catholic faithful are migrating to Protestant groups, I don't think we should be blaming the liturgy but rather double our efforts to celebrate it properly and proclaim the truth of the great mystery of faith. I couldn't put it better myself, and so wont.
I have a real zeal,for praying for departed souls,Priests included.The thought of any soul in torment agitates me,and I can't just ignore the reality of their existence in purgatory or an even worse place(I don't know if we are allowed to pray for souls in a worse place?).
ReplyDeleteHowever,it's unlikely in the natural order,that I will outlive you,so I can't promise to pray for you after this life,maybe I can pray in Purgatory for others? If I get there,of course.I must check out the plenary indulgence info.
Perhaps, as a Saint, your prayers will be very welcome indeed.
ReplyDeleteHa,your words are music to my ego. Unfortunately I have a clearer view of the 'inside of the bowl',and there's plenty of acknowledgment as a sinner to be done first! I am very much a beginner in this getting honest with oneself.Years of living on self-will run riot leave their mark.He's a good God though.A very good Merciful God,and therein lies my hope.