26 April 2009

Santa Maria Del Mar, Barcelona

Hey folks. Back in the land of the blogosphere and back to seminary today. This will, in fact, be the last time I 'return' to seminary as a seminarian. Or at least, to be specific, there is no more major holidays, half term holidays or even mini breaks from seminary. Thus, the next time I 'return' to seminary will be as an ordained priest, please God. Not that this makes it any easier to return, I hasten to add. Ah, return it must be. Pray for us all, that we may have a fruitful final term of the year, that we may listen ever more attentively to the prompting of the Spirit and that we may be truly disciples of the Lord.

Right now, I am basking in the memory of my trip to Barcelona. Such a wonderful trip with so much done and yet such relaxation at the same time. Truly, I recommend this wonderful city. Some highlights include, of course the cathedral of the Sagrada Familia, being on Las Ramblas during the festivities of St George's Day (they make us English look such miserable dour faces) and the wonderful Santa Maria Del Mar. Tony had put me onto this Gothic church, the size of a cathedral, and suggested a great book about a young Spaniard's relationship with Our Lady of the Sea. I read in the guide book that this church was built in just 59 years, resulting in only one style of architecture, rather than the mish mash one associates with major church building, and that style is consistently Gothic. It was, indeed, beautiful and splendid and noble. Well worth the visit.


  1. I am so glad you got to see the church! As your fantastic photo shows, it's stunningly beautiful. There seems to be so much warmth in that picture: it's very inviting. One day I shall make it there myself, and I suspect I will find it very hard to leave.

  2. Tony, the Church was stunning. Really, really stunning. Noble simplicity, ah, wonderful. Said some prayers for you, asking the Lord to lead you ever closer to Him. Let me know if my prayers are working (:-))



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