Please don't think me unkind, but I will be very happy to leave seminary. In a good way, you understand. I think it natural that you ought to reach a point in your formation when you know it is right to leave and get on with formation in ministry. This is crucial; that formation continue once a man is ordained a priest. Obviously you don't have the luxury of 'practicing' any longer and there is no more 'chewing the cud' over theology (except with mates, hopefully) once you are out there in the real world.
The cosseted-ness of seminary will be gone and you stand or fall by your own action or inaction. More than ever you come to realise your total dependence upon God. To quote one of my favourites: "Work as if everything depends on you. Pray as if everything depends on God."

Are you thinking about priesthood? Stop thinking, and get on with it. There really is no time to lose, at all. If God wants you, and you want God, then what have you got to lose? Already ordained? Well, enjoy it.
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