Writing for zenit.org, Elizabeth Lev gives a wonderful reflection on the role that David has as an emblem for the city of Florence, in Italy.
David has always been one of my heroes. Plucked from obscurity to lead an heroic life, though thoroughly human and weak, he leads his nation to greatness through many a trial. Elizabeth writes that "David too, flush with victory over Goliath, could not see that his real opponent, sin, would soon fell him".
This reminds us that we are always prey to fall when we rely on our own strength and not that of God. He can do that which we cannot. I love the reading for night prayer, Tuesdays, from 1 Peter.
Be calm but vigilant, because your enemy the devil is prowling round like a roaring lion, looking for someone to eat. Stand up to him, strong in faith.
It evokes strong images of lions and battles and victory and overcoming all enemies with nothing more than the still small voice of calm, a voice echoing faith in Christ. In order to show that faith requires that we turn to Christ and beg his mercy for those times when we have failed to allow our still small voice of calm to win out amidst the chaos of our lives.
And to the fore comes David again to teach us: But David, again calling on God's grace, offered one more heroic example: repentance. Seeking God's forgiveness.
Thank you, Elizabeth.
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