In line with the last two posts, here's another in my triptych of saints.
Today, via the Curt Jester blog, I came across a newish website dedicated to saintly humour. As the site says:
LOLSaints was created in early 2009 by Jeff Geerling in response to a Twitter posting by CurtJester.
It's aim is:
Every day, we'll be posting a new saint, along with a quick and easy-to-digest bio of that saint. (This site is obviously indebted to I Can Haz Cheeseburger?, a site which rose to Internet stardom quite a while ago due to their very funny LOLcats pictures.)
So, if you want to have a laugh, then join in and maybe even offer a posting of your own.
Something to brighten our lives.
The Aquinas offering appeared on January 24th, obviously!
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